The clerk of the court shall index the certificate in both names in the index of the judgment lien book and give reference to the book and page in which the original lien is recorded. This procedure is subject to the exception that if the action is against a personal representative of a decedent, the motion shall be within two years from the date of his qualification, the extension may be for only two years from the time of the recordation of the certificate, and there may be only one such extension.
Place of Record ___________________________________________________________________________
Date Judgment Docketed ___________________________________________________________________________
Judgment Lien Book __________________ Book Page __________________
Name of Judgment Creditor(s) or Assignee(s) ___________________________________________________________________________
Address of Judgment Creditor(s) or Assignee(s) ___________________________________________________
Phone number of Judgment Creditors(s) or Assignee(s) (if available)
Name of Judgment Creditor(s) or Assignee(s)' attorney or agent
Address of Creditor(s) or Assignee(s)' attorney or agent
Name of Debtor(s) ___________________________________________________________________________
I/we, the undersigned [ ] judgment creditor(s) [ ] agent of judgment creditor(s) [ ] attorney for judgment creditor(s), do hereby certify that the aforementioned judgment lien be extended 10 years from the date of my/our endorsement upon this certificate.
[ ] Judgment creditor(s) or assignee(s) [ ] agent of judgment creditor(s) or assignee(s) [ ] attorney for judgment creditor(s) or assignee(s): ________________
Commonwealth of Virginia
County/City of ____________________
Subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me by
_______________, this _____ day of ________, 20 _____
My Commission expires: ____________________
Notary Public: ____________________
Va. Code § 8.01-251