B. Retailers. - Every retail licensee shall keep complete, accurate, and separate records, in accordance with Board regulations, of all purchases of alcoholic beverages, the prices charged such licensee therefor, and the names and addresses of the persons from whom purchased. Every retail licensee shall also preserve all invoices showing his purchases for a period as specified by Board regulations. He shall also keep an accurate account of daily sales, showing quantities of alcoholic beverages sold and the total price charged by him therefor. Except as otherwise provided in subsection D, such account need not give the names or addresses of the purchasers thereof, except as may be required by Board regulation for the sale of alcoholic beverages in kegs. In the case of persons holding retail licenses that require sales of food to determine their qualifications for such licenses, the records shall also include purchases and sales of food and nonalcoholic beverages. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection F, electronic records of retail licensees may be stored off site, provided that such records are readily retrievable and available for electronic inspection by the Board or its special agents at the licensed premises. However, in the case that such electronic records are not readily available for electronic inspection on the licensed premises, the retail licensee may obtain Board approval, for good cause shown, to permit the retail licensee to provide the records to a special agent of the Board within three business days or less, as determined by the Board, after a request is made to inspect the records.
F. Inspection. - The Board and its special agents shall be allowed free access during reasonable hours to every place in the Commonwealth and to the premises of both (i) every wine and beer shipper licensee and (ii) every licensee or permittee authorized to make deliveries wherever located where alcoholic beverages are manufactured, bottled, stored, offered for sale or sold, for the purpose of examining and inspecting such place and all records, invoices and accounts therein. The Board may engage the services of alcoholic beverage control authorities in any state to assist with the inspection of the premises of a wine and beer shipper licensee, licensee or permittee authorized to make deliveries, or any applicant for such license or permit. For purposes of a Board inspection of the records of any retail licensees, "reasonable hours" means the hours between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.; however, if the licensee generally is not open to the public substantially during the same hours, "reasonable hours" shall mean the business hours when the licensee is open to the public. At any other time of day, if the retail licensee's records are not available for inspection, the retailer shall provide the records to a special agent of the Board within 24 hours after a request is made to inspect the records.