Section 3.2-4724 - Grounds for refusal or revocation of licenseThe Commissioner may refuse to grant a license, delay the issuance of a license, or revoke any license when he finds that:
1. A money judgment that has been entered against a commission merchant has not been satisfied;2. False, fraudulent, or improper charges or returns have been made by the licensee for the handling, sale, or storage of farm products, or for the rendering of any related service;3. The licensee has failed to render a true account of sales, or to settle promptly and within the time and in the manner required by this article;4. The licensee has made false or misleading statements as to the grade, condition, quality or quantity of farm products received, handled, stored or held by him for sale on commission;5. The licensee has made false or misleading statements as to market conditions;6. There has been a combination to fix prices;7. The licensee has, directly or indirectly, purchased for his or its own account farm products received by him or it, upon consignment, without prior authority from consignor in writing and at a fixed price agreed to by the consignor. This subdivision shall not apply to operators of livestock auction markets who are prohibited from purchasing consigned livestock under the federal Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921 (42 Stat. 159), as amended;8. The licensee has made fictitious sales or has been guilty of collusion to defraud the consignor;9. The licensee has reconsigned the farm products to another person without first obtaining the written consent of the consignor or written notice has not been given by the licensee to consignor that all or a part of the shipment was reconsigned;10. The licensee sells farm products consigned to him or it, to another person owned or controlled by the licensee, or in which the licensee may have a financial or other interest, either directly or indirectly, and no notice has been given, in writing, to the consignor by the licensee that all or a part of such shipment was sold to a person in which the licensee has a financial or other interest;11. The licensee was intentionally guilty of fraud or deception in the procurement of the license;12. The licensee has failed to file with the Commissioner a schedule of his maximum commissions and other charges for services for the produce handled on account of or as agent of another as prescribed in this article, prior to the first day of February of each year;13. The licensee has failed to obey and comply with any order of the Commissioner entered pursuant to the provisions of subsection B of § 3.2-4722 within the time specified in such order, or in the case of an appeal within 10 days of the time the Commissioner's order became final;14. The licensee has failed to comply with any assurance the Commissioner has required pursuant to subsections C and D of § 3.2-4711; or15. The licensee, his agents, contractors, or employees are guilty of violating any provision of this section.Code 1950, § 3-551; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-709; 1979, c. 389; 2008, c. 860.Amended by Acts 2008, c. 860.Amended by Acts 1979, c. 389.Amended by Acts 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-709.