Chapter 39 - Virginia Human Rights Act
- Section 2.2-3900 - Short title; declaration of policy
- Section 2.2-3901 - Definitions
- Section 2.2-3902 - Construction of chapter; other programs to aid persons with disabilities, minors, and the elderly
- Section 2.2-3903 - [Repealed]
- Section 2.2-3904 - Nondiscrimination in places of public accommodation; definitions
- Section 2.2-3905 - Nondiscrimination in employment; definitions; exceptions
- Section 2.2-3905.1 - Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities; unlawful discriminatory practice; notice of rights
- Section 2.2-3906 - Civil action by Attorney General
- Section 2.2-3907 - Procedures for a charge of unlawful discrimination; notice; investigation; report; conciliation; notice of the right to file a civil action; temporary relief
- Section 2.2-3908 - Civil actions by private parties
- Section 2.2-3909 - Causes of action for failure to provide reasonable accommodation for known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions