Section 2.2-3002 - Exemptions from chapterThe provisions of this chapter shall not apply to:
1. Appointees of elected groups or individuals except as provided in subsection B of § 2.2-3001;2. Agency heads or chief executive officers of government agencies and public institutions of higher education appointed by boards and commissions;3. Law-enforcement officers as defined in § 9.1-500 whose grievances are subject to Chapter 5 (§ 9.1-500 et seq.) and who have elected to resolve such grievances under those provisions; and4. Employees in positions designated in § 2.2-2905 as exempt from the Virginia Personnel Act (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.). 1995, cc. 770, 818, § 2.1-116.013 ; 2001, c. 844.Amended by Acts 2001, c. 844.Amended by Acts 1995, cc. 770, 818, § 2.1-116.013 .