Section 8-324 - Termination of leases; possession of premises(a) If the plaintiff in an action of distress makes an election in writing, the court may declare the lease terminated and of no further force and effect. This election may be made only if all tenants have been served with a copy of the action of distress and after sale of all goods levied on. The court may not terminate any residential lease which runs for more than 15 years.(b) If any tenant was not served with a copy of the action of distress, the court may declare the lease terminated if a copy of the nisi order of termination is twice returned non est as to the nonsummoned defendant.(c) If the court declares a lease terminated under subsection (a) of this section, the court on application of the plaintiff, may issue its order or judgment of restitution of the premises. The court shall issue its warrant to the officer commanding the officer to deliver immediately to the plaintiff, possession in full and ample manner as set forth in § 8-402(b) of this title. The costs of this action are the same as in the case of a tenant holding over.