Section 8-214 - Keeping of household pets by elderly persons in Montgomery County(a)(1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.(2) "Elderly person" means an individual who is 60 years old or older.(3) "Landlord" means an owner of residential rental property who offers more than 3 dwelling units for rent on 1 parcel of property or at 1 location.(b) This section applies only to Montgomery County.(c) If a tenant is an elderly person, a landlord may not prohibit the tenant from keeping a household pet, unless specifically prohibited in writing at the time occupancy took place.(d) A tenant is liable for any damage done to the premises by the tenant's pet.(e) A landlord may establish reasonable rules governing the type, size, and number of pets allowed, disposal of pet waste, and aspects of pet conduct and pet control related to protection of the health and safety of other tenants and the property of the landlord.