Md. Code, Real. Prop. § 11B-105
"This sale is subject to the requirements of the Maryland Homeowners Association Act (the "Act"). The Act requires that the seller disclose to you at or before the time the contract is entered into, or within 7 calendar days of entering into the contract, certain information concerning the development in which the lot you are purchasing is located. The content of the information to be disclosed is set forth in § 11B-105(b) of the Act (the "MHAA information") as follows:
(The notice shall include at this point the text of § 11B-105(b) in its entirety).
If you have not received all of the MHAA information 5 calendar days or more before entering into the contract, you have 5 calendar days to cancel this contract after receiving all of the MHAA information. You must cancel the contract in writing, but you do not have to state a reason. The seller must also provide you with notice of any changes in mandatory fees exceeding 10% of the amount previously stated to exist and copies of any other substantial and material amendment to the information provided to you. You have 3 calendar days to cancel this contract after receiving notice of any changes in mandatory fees, or copies of any other substantial and material amendment to the MHAA information which adversely affects you. If you do cancel the contract you will be entitled to a refund of any deposit you made on account of the contract. However, unless you return the MHAA information to the seller when you cancel the contract, the seller may keep out of your deposit the cost of reproducing the MHAA information, or $100, whichever amount is less.
By purchasing a lot within this development, you will automatically be subject to various rights, responsibilities, and obligations, including the obligation to pay certain assessments to the homeowners association within the development. The lot you are purchasing may have restrictions on:
You should review the MHAA information carefully to ascertain your rights, responsibilities, and obligations within the development."
Md. Code, RP § 11B-105