Section 8-205 - Annual appropriation(a) After consultation with the Association, the Governor may include in the State budget each year an amount for the purposes set forth in subsection (b) of this section.(b) The Association may use money appropriated under subsection (a) of this section to: (1) formulate, publish, and distribute the fire laws of Maryland and other state and federal standards, laws, guidelines, and recommendations;(2) formulate, publish, and distribute an annual report and monthly or other timely bulletins and reports;(3) purchase, publish, and distribute fire prevention, emergency services, and safety education materials and sponsor seminars and other public forums to disseminate this information to Association members and residents of the State;(4) maintain and distribute records that relate to the annual inspections of fire and rescue equipment and facilities;(5) establish and maintain a database on manpower availability and training, operational cost, equipment availability, response time, State and local financial support, and other relevant factors in providing fire and rescue services;(6) maintain membership through fees, subscriptions, and meeting attendance in organizations that disseminate training and education and provide guidance to volunteer emergency service organizations and their members and represent their interests on a State and national level;(7) provide fuel, insurance, and maintenance to vehicles owned and operated by the Association and used in representing the volunteers and disseminating information throughout the State;(8) provide professional services including accounting, auditing, and legal consultation and operational costs associated with the objectives established in this subsection; and(9) promote, disseminate, and advocate programs and services that pertain to improving the safety, health, and wellbeing of fire and rescue personnel throughout the State.