Section 2-406 - Expenses of employees(a)(1) The Secretary may approve vouchers in payment of expenses incurred by employees in the discharge of their duties, including expenses for lodging and subsistence while an employee is away from the facility to which the employee is regularly assigned.(2) The vouchers shall be: (i) audited and paid in accordance with the State budget in the manner required by law; and(ii) submitted in a manner consistent with the practices required by the Comptroller's office.(3) Lodging and subsistence provided to employees at facilities of the Department:(i) are not expenses within the meaning of this section; and(ii) may be provided by the Department in accordance with the State budget and rule of the Secretary.(b)(1) In a civil or criminal case, other than a disciplinary proceeding or an appeal from a disciplinary proceeding, when a police employee is charged with the commission of a wrong as the result of an act done in the course of the police employee's official duties, the Secretary may pay any part of the legal expenses of the police employee if: (i) the Secretary determines that payment is in the best interests of the Department, the public, and the police employee; and(ii) the Attorney General approves the payment.(2) Payment of legal expenses under this subsection may be made in accordance with the State budget or from general or contingency funds of the Department.