Section 2-315 - Law Enforcement Coordinating Council(a) There is a Law Enforcement Coordinating Council within the Department.(b) The purpose of the Council is to prevent and reduce crime by: (1) coordinating and focusing State resources; and(2) ensuring interagency communications and intelligence-sharing.(c) The Council consists of the following members: (1) the Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services, or the Secretary's designee;(2) the Secretary of Juvenile Services, or the Secretary's designee;(3) the Secretary of Human Services, or the Secretary's designee;(4) the Secretary of Housing and Community Development, or the Secretary's designee;(5) the Secretary of Emergency Management, or the Secretary's designee;(6) the Director of the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center, or the Director's designee;(7) the Director of the Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services, or the Director's designee;(8) the Secretary, or the Secretary's designee;(9) the chief of the largest law enforcement agency in each county, or the chief's designee;(10) the chief of the largest law enforcement agency in the City of Annapolis, or the chief's designee;(11) the chief of the largest law enforcement agency in Ocean City, or the chief's designee;(12) the chief of the Maryland Transit Administration Police, or the chief's designee;(13) the chief of the Maryland Transportation Authority Police, or the chief's designee; and(14) the chief of the WMATA Metro Transit Police, or the chief's designee.(d) The Secretary shall serve as the chair of the Council.(e) The Department shall provide staff for the Council.(f) A member of the Council: (1) may not receive compensation as a member of the Council; but(2) is entitled to reimbursement for expenses under the Standard State Travel Regulations, as provided in the State budget.(g)(1) The Council shall prepare and revise, as necessary, a comprehensive crime plan for the State or for each region of the State.(2) The plan under paragraph (1) of this subsection may:(i) identify State resources and assets that State agencies are using to: 1. support law enforcement activities; and2. provide support services for communities with the greatest concentration of crime;(ii) establish law enforcement regions in the State based on public safety commonalities and priorities across jurisdictions;(iii) specify strategies to:1. share intelligence between law enforcement agencies;2. develop patrol agreements across jurisdictions; and3. provide mutual aid to law enforcement agencies across jurisdictions;(iv) establish targeted initiatives, including initiatives relating to warrants, early crime alert and risk assessment tools, and data-sharing;(v) identify regions for the establishment of regional law enforcement councils under § 2-316 of this subtitle; and(vi) identify areas where law enforcement agencies can collaborate to provide support and human services to individuals most likely to be victims or perpetrators of crime.(h)(1) The Council shall meet at least twice each year.(2) The Governor, or the Governor's designee, shall attend at least one meeting of the Council each year.(i) The Council may invite other chiefs of law enforcement entities to participate in the Council.(j) On or before December 1 each year, the Council shall submit a report to the Governor and, in accordance with § 2-1257 of the State Government Article, the General Assembly concerning its activities and recommendations.Amended by 2022 Md. Laws, Ch. 135, Sec. 1, eff. 4/12/2022.Added by 2021 Md. Laws, Ch. 19, Sec. 1, eff. 2/11/2021.