- Section 1-301 - Definitions
- Section 1-302 - Legislative findings and declarations; purposes of subtitle
- Section 1-302.1 - Classification and compensation of 9-1-1 specialists
- Section 1-303 - Effects of subtitle
- Section 1-304 - Enhanced 9-1-1 system required
- Section 1-304.1 - Standards-based protocols for the processing of 9-1-1 requests
- Section 1-304.2 - Adoption and implementation of programs compliant with best practices
- Section 1-304.3 - 9-1-1-accessible service outages
- Section 1-305 - Emergency Number Systems Board
- Section 1-306 - Responsibilities of Board - Coordination of enhancement of 9-1-1 systems
- Section 1-307 - Responsibilities of Board - Annual report
- Section 1-308 - 9-1-1 Trust Fund
- Section 1-309 - Appropriations and disbursements from 9-1-1 Trust Fund
- Section 1-309.1 - Cybersecurity standards for public safety answering points
- Section 1-310 - 9-1-1 fee
- Section 1-311 - Additional charge
- Section 1-312 - Expenditures by counties for 9-1-1 systems
- Section 1-313 - Prepaid wireless E 9-1-1 fee
- Section 1-314 - Multiple-line telephone systems - Direct dial (Kari's Law)
- Section 1-315 - Immunity from liability for transmission failures