Section 5-1609 - Regulations; guidance manuals; forest resource inventory(a)(1) By December 31, 1991, the Department, after consulting with local government and the real estate development, building, and environmental communities, shall adopt regulations, including the development of guidance manuals to: (i) Implement this subtitle and set requirements and standards which establish: 1. Standards of performance required in forest stand delineations and forest conservation plans including the submittal process;2. Criteria for local forest conservation programs; and3. Implementation processes for the Department's administration in the absence of a local forest conservation program;(ii) Assist and guide local authorities in the development of their local forest conservation program by providing: 1. Training of local officials; and2. A model local government ordinance that meets the requirements of this subtitle; and(iii) Assist developers, planners, surveyors, engineers, foresters, biologists, and landscape architects in: 1. Developing methodology and gathering natural resource information required in the preparation of a forest stand delineation and a forest conservation plan;2. Determining the size, location, and orientation of forest areas to be retained;3. Determining the size, location, and orientation of areas to be afforested or reforested;4. Implementing protection techniques and devices used in preserving specimen trees or areas designated for retention during construction; and5. Determining species, spacing, and timing of afforestation or reforestation.(2) All provisions of the guidance manual that are not specifically noted as standards or minimum requirements shall be deemed recommendations by the Department for the development of the local program.(b) By December 31, 1992, the Department shall prepare and provide to local authorities a statewide forest resource inventory that shall: (1) Be updated every 5 years or as deemed appropriate by the Department; and(2) Include a list of potential sites for reforestation or afforestation of both publicly and privately owned land on a county by county basis.