Section 2-207 - Conduct of examinations(a)(1) The Commissioner shall conduct an examination of an insurer, health maintenance organization, or private review agent at:(i) the home office of a domestic insurer, foreign insurer, health maintenance organization, or private review agent;(ii) the United States branch office of an alien insurer, health maintenance organization, or private review agent; or(iii) a branch or agency office of the insurer, health maintenance organization, or private review agent.(2) The Commissioner shall conduct an examination of a person other than an insurer, health maintenance organization, or private review agent at: (i) the place of business of the person; or(ii) any place where records of the person are kept.(b) Each person that is examined and its officers, employees, agents, and representatives shall: (1) produce and make freely available to the Commissioner or an examiner the accounts, records, documents, files, information, assets, and matters that are in the possession or control of the person and relate to the subject of the examination; and(2) otherwise help the examination to the extent reasonably possible.(c)(1) At the expense of the person being examined, the Commissioner may retain an actuary, accountant, or other expert, who is not otherwise a part of the staff of the Administration, if reasonably necessary to conduct an examination under this article.(2) The actuary, accountant, or other expert may rewrite, post, or balance the accounts of the person being examined.(d)(1) If the Commissioner considers it necessary to value real estate involved in an examination, the Commissioner may request in writing that the person being examined appoint one or more competent appraisers, approved by the Commissioner, to appraise the real estate.(2) If the person does not appoint an appraiser within 10 days after the request was delivered to the person, the Commissioner may appoint an appraiser.(3) The appraisal shall be made promptly, and a copy of the appraisal report shall be provided to the Commissioner.(4) The person being examined shall pay the reasonable expense of the appraisal.