- Section 5-301 - Definitions
- Section 5-302 - Established; purpose
- Section 5-303 - Duties of Secretary
- Section 5-304 - Government hiring plans for recipients, their children, foster youth, and obligors
- Section 5-305 - Institutions of higher education
- Section 5-306 - Contracting powers of Department
- Section 5-307 - Religious organizations
- Section 5-308 - Eligibility for assistance
- Section 5-308.1 - Work experience for work activity
- Section 5-308.2 - Community service
- Section 5-309 - Scope of Family Investment Program
- Section 5-310 - Amount of assistance; rules of eligibility (§ 5-310)
- Section 5-310.1 - [Abrogated] Earned Income Disregard Pilot Program
- Section 5-311 - Periodic recertification; cancellation, suspension, or revocation
- Section 5-312 - Temporary cash assistance - In general
- Section 5-313 - Temporary cash assistance - Limitations
- Section 5-314 - Temporary cash assistance - Adult or minor parent substance abuse treatment
- Section 5-315 - SSI benefits; reasonable subsistence; Medicaid eligibility
- Section 5-316 - Funding; budget savings
- Section 5-317 - Demonstration projects
- Section 5-318 - Job skills enhancement program
- Section 5-318.1 - [Abrogated] Couples Advancing Together Pilot Program
- Section 5-319 - FIP demonstration sites
- Section 5-320 - Mentoring program
- Section 5-321 - Future amendment or repeal of subtitle
- Section 5-322 - Report on vocational education or education directly related to employment
- Section 5-323 - Hiring of outside consultant to conduct a review of FIP