Subtitle 7 - LOBBYING
- Section 5-701 - "Compensation" defined
- Section 5-702 - Lobbying - Generally
- Section 5-703 - Authority to lobby
- Section 5-704 - Registration with Ethics Commission
- Section 5-704.1 - Training course
- Section 5-705 - Reports
- Section 5-706 - Meals or beverages
- Section 5-707 - Reports of business transactions - Generally
- Section 5-708 - Reports of business transactions - Political contributions
- Section 5-709 - Legislative unit meals and receptions
- Section 5-710 - Electronic filing; public inspection; oath or affirmation
- Section 5-711 - Gifts to family members
- Section 5-712 - Additional reports
- Section 5-713 - Disclosure of statistics; notice to official named in report
- Section 5-714 - Prohibitions
- Section 5-714.1 - Reports to Ethics Commission of violations of antiharassment policy and procedures by regulated lobbyist
- Section 5-715 - Restriction on certain campaign contributions
- Section 5-716 - Statement by person providing lobbyist compensation and making contributions