Section 2-108 - Units in Department(a) The following units are in the Department:(1) the Division of Labor and Industry.(2) the Division of Employment and Training.(3) the Commissioner of Financial Regulation.(4) the State Board of Architects.(5) the State Athletic Commission.(6) the State Board of Barbers.(7) the Board of Boiler Rules.(8) the State Collection Agency Licensing Board.(9) the State Board of Cosmetologists.(10) the State Board of Master Electricians.(11) the State Board of Stationary Engineers.(12) the State Board for Professional Engineers.(13) the State Board of Foresters.(14) the State Board of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors.(15) the Maryland Home Improvement Commission.(16) the State Board of Certified Interior Designers.(17) the State Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects.(18) the State Board for Professional Land Surveyors.(19) the State Board of Pilots.(20) the State Board of Plumbing.(21) the State Board of Public Accountancy.(22) the State Board of Individual Tax Preparers.(23) the State Racing Commission.(24) the State Real Estate Commission.(25) the State Commission of Real Estate Appraisers, Appraisal Management Companies, and Home Inspectors.(26) the Real Estate Hearing Board.(27) the State of Maryland Deposit Insurance Fund Corporation.(28) the Maryland Jockey Injury Compensation Fund, Inc.(29) the State Amusement Ride Safety Advisory Board.(30) the Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board.(31) the Maryland-Bred Race Fund Advisory Committee.(32) the Maryland Standardbred Race Fund Advisory Committee.(33) the Advisory Council on Prevailing Wage Rates.(b) The Department also includes each other unit that is assigned to the Department.(c)(1) Each unit created within the Department shall include at least 1 consumer member.(2) Each consumer member of the unit: (i) shall be a member of the general public;(ii) may not be a licensee or otherwise be subject to regulation by the unit;(iii) may not be required to meet the qualifications for the professional members of the unit; and(iv) may not, within 1 year before appointment, have had a financial interest in or have received compensation from a person regulated by the unit.(3) While a member of the unit, a consumer member may not:(i) have a financial interest in or receive compensation from a person regulated by the unit; or(ii) grade any examination given by or for the unit.