Section 7-206 - Miscellaneous powers and duties(a) In addition to any powers set forth elsewhere, the Board may adopt: (1) any bylaw for the conduct of the proceedings of the Board; and(2) any regulation to carry out this title.(b) In addition to any duties set forth elsewhere, the Board:(1) shall administer this title;(2) shall adopt a seal; and(3) shall keep a record of its proceedings.(c) The Board shall keep a record that, for each application for a license, shows: (1) the applicant's: (iv) place of business; and(v) educational and other qualifications;(2) the date of the application;(3) whether the applicant was required to take an examination;(4) the action of the Board on the application;(5) the reason for the action; and(6) any other information the Board considers necessary.(d) The Board shall: (1) keep a list of all licensed foresters that shows the name and place of business of each licensee;(2) provide a copy of the list: (i) on request, to any member of the public; and(ii) every 2 years, on or before March 31, to:2. the Secretary of State.(e)(1) With the advice of the established forestry associations, the Board shall adopt, by regulation, a code of ethics for practicing forestry.(2) The Board shall distribute a copy of the code of ethics:(i) to each applicant for a license; and(ii) on each renewal of a license, to each licensee.(f) The Board shall adopt regulations that implement the continuing education requirement set forth in § 7-308(c)(2) of this title.