Subtitle 4 - PERMITS
- Section 3-401 - "Responsible member" defined
- Section 3-402 - Practice through corporation, limited liability company, or partnership authorized
- Section 3-403 - Permit required; exception
- Section 3-404 - Qualifications of applicants
- Section 3-405 - Applications for permits
- Section 3-406 - Issuance of permit
- Section 3-407 - Scope of permit
- Section 3-408 - Term and renewal of permit
- Section 3-409 - Notice of change
- Section 3-410 - Denial, suspension, revocation of permits; reprimands of holder; penalties
- Section 3-411 - Denial, suspension, revocation of permits; reprimands of holder - Hearings
- Section 3-412 - Permit to remain in effect pending investigation or hearing
- Section 3-413 - Services prohibited until suspension lifted or permit reinstated
- Section 3-414 - Reinstatement - Revoked or suspended permits
- Section 3-415 - Reinstatement - Failure to renew
- Section 3-416 - Compliance following reinstatement