Subtitle 3 - LICENSES
- Section 2-301 - License required
- Section 2-302 - Qualifications of applicants
- Section 2-303 - Education
- Section 2-304 - Applications for licenses
- Section 2-305 - Examinations
- Section 2-306 - Partial examination credit
- Section 2-307 - Reexamination
- Section 2-308 - Waiver of examination requirements
- Section 2-309 - Issuance of license
- Section 2-310 - Scope of license
- Section 2-311 - Term and renewal of license
- Section 2-312 - Continuing education
- Section 2-313 - Inactive status
- Section 2-314 - Reinstatement of expired licenses
- Section 2-315 - Denials, reprimands, suspensions, and revocations - Grounds; license certificate
- Section 2-316 - Denials, reprimands, suspensions, and revocations - Commencement of proceedings
- Section 2-317 - Denials, reprimands, suspensions, and revocations - Hearings
- Section 2-318 - Limitations on expiration and surrender of license
- Section 2-319 - Reinstatement of revoked or suspended license
- Section 2-320 - Limited license
- Section 2-321 - Licensed out-of-state accountants