State of Maryland, Wicomico County, to wit: To: ..............................., of Wicomico County: Greetings: Whereas, there has been filed with the undersigned an affidavit, of which the following is a copy, to wit: Whereas on this .... day of ...., 20.., before the Subscriber, .... in and for said County, personally appeared ...., and made complaint and oath that the applicant has just and reasonable cause to suspect and believe and does suspect and believe that intoxicating liquor is sold, or except for the purpose of being sold or otherwise disposed of in violation of the law in the .... of .... at, in .... of said County, and that in and upon said premises and at said place and house will be found upon search thereof, the following: Intoxicating liquors, and the vessels and bottles in which the same are contained, and barroom, and drinking saloon paraphernalia, and the United States Internal Revenue tax receipt for sale of intoxicating liquor at this time effective (and any other facts material): These Are Therefore, in the name of the State of Maryland, to command you, together with the necessary and proper assistance, to enter into the said .... of the said .... at, in .... in the County aforesaid, and there diligently search for the said intoxicating liquor and means used for the sale of same, or any part thereof as described in the aforegoing affidavit of complaint, and that you bring the same, or any part thereof, found in such search, and the person or persons in whose custody they are found forthwith before me to be disposed of and dealt with according to law; and have you there this warrant. Given under my hand this .... day of ...., 20... ...................................................... Judge of the District Court
To Hon. ...., Judge of the District Court in Wicomico County. This Return and Report, made this .... day of ...., 20.., is to certify, That pursuant and in obedience to the commands of the annexed warrant to me directed, I did on the .... day of ...., 20.., enter and search the place, house and premises described in said warrant and found and seized the following, to wit: (here set forth what was found and seized), and do forthwith bring the same, and one .... the person in whose custody the same were found before you. ................................................ (Person serving warrant)
Md. Code, AB § 32-2603