S.C. Code § 9-16-370
The State shall defend the members of the Retirement System Investment Commission established pursuant to this article against a claim or suit that arises out of or by virtue of their performance of official duties on behalf of the commission and must indemnify these members for a loss or judgment incurred by them as a result of the claim or suit, without regard to whether the claim or suit is brought against them in their individual or official capacities, or both. The State shall defend officers and management employees of the commission against a claim or suit that arises out of or by virtue of performance of official duties unless the officer, or management employee was acting in bad faith and must indemnify these officers, and management employees for a loss or judgment incurred by them as a result of such claim or suit, without regard to whether the claim or suit is brought against them in their individual or official capacities, or both. This commitment to defend and indemnify extends to members, officers, and management employees after they have left their membership on or employment with the commission, as applicable, if the claim or suit arises out of or by virtue of their performance of official duties on behalf of the commission.
S.C. Code § 9-16-370