Section 59-63-275 - Student hazing prohibited; definitions(A) For purposes of this section: (1) "Student" means a person enrolled in a public education institution.(2) "Superior student" means a student who has attended a state university, college, or other public education institution longer than another student or who has an official position giving authority over another student.(3) "Subordinate student" means a person who attends a public education institution who is not defined as a "superior student" in item (2).(4) "Hazing" means the wrongful striking, laying open hand upon, threatening with violence, or offering to do bodily harm by a superior student to a subordinate student with intent to punish or injure the subordinate student, or other unauthorized treatment by the superior student of a subordinate student of a tyrannical, abusive, shameful, insulting, or humiliating nature.(B) Hazing at all public education institutions is prohibited. When an investigation has disclosed substantial evidence that a student has committed an act or acts of hazing, the student may be dismissed, expelled, suspended, or punished as the principal considers appropriate.(C) The provisions of this section are in addition to the provisions of Article 6, Chapter 3 of Title 16.2002 Act No. 310, Section 5.