Section 59-5-60 - General powers of BoardThe State Board of Education shall have the power to:
(1) Adopt policies, rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the State for its own government and for the government of the free public schools.(2) Annually approve budget requests for the institutions, agencies, and service under the control of the Board as prepared by the State Superintendent of Education prior to being submitted to the Governor and to the General Assembly.(3) Adopt minimum standards for any phase of education as are considered necessary to aid in providing adequate educational opportunities and facilities.(4) Prescribe and enforce rules for the examination and certification of teachers.(5) Grant State teachers' certificates and revoke them for immoral or unprofessional conduct, or evident unfitness for teaching.(6) Prescribe and enforce courses of study for the free public schools.(7) Prescribe and enforce the use of textbooks and other instructional materials for the various subjects taught or used in conjunction within the free public schools of the State, both high schools and elementary schools in accordance with the courses of study as prepared and promulgated by the Board.(8) Appoint such committees and such members of committees as may be required or as may be desirable to carry out the orderly function of the Board.(9) Cooperate fully with the State Superintendent at all times to the end that the State system of public education may constantly be improved.(10) Assume such other responsibilities and exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be assigned to it by law or as it may find necessary to aid in carrying out the purpose and objectives of the Constitution of the State.1963 (53) 512; 1947 (45) 55; 1940 (41) 1763, 1886; 1931 (37) 391; 1928 (35) 1215; 1927 (35) 354; 1923 (33) 147; 1915 (29) 188; 1914 (28) 450; 1896 (22) 150; Civ. C. '02 Section 1184; Civ. C. '12 Section 1708; Civ. C. '22 Section 2549; 1932 Code Section 5289; 1942 Code Section 5282; 1952 Code Section 21-45; 1962 Code Section 21-45.