The Department of Education, building upon the South Carolina Total Quality Education Framework for Change and the South Carolina Goals Panel Report shall formulate this plan, which must focus on equity, productivity, and interagency collaboration to meet the National Goals by the year 2000.
The plan at a minimum shall address:
The Education Improvement Act is to be included in this review, but all EIA funds must be used only for new reforms and innovations and not for regular ongoing operations at schools, although after this review the reforms and innovations for which these funds were dedicated may be different than originally provided.
Input must be solicited from the State Board of Education, South Carolina Education Goals Panel, EIA Education Oversight Committee, Human Services Coordinating Council, South Carolina Business Center for Education, Chamber of Commerce, South Carolina School Boards Association, South Carolina Association of School Administrators, South Carolina Parent Teacher Association, South Carolina School Improvement Councils, Palmetto Teachers Association, South Carolina Education Association, South Carolina Teacher Forum, American Association of Retired Persons, Business and Community Representatives, Regional Goals Coordinating Councils and America 2000 communities.
This plan shall reflect a systemic approach that applies the principles of Total Quality Management and strategies of effectiveness which reflect state accountability, local school district accountability, and community accountability. The plan must relate to learning and school effectiveness standards developed by the State Board of Education through the State Department of Education, to restructuring efforts that relate to local school districts, and to partnerships that relate to local communities. Examples of these standards and efforts include:
S.C. Code § 59-141-10