The respective boards shall give to the applicants approved by them either a limited license or branch or a full license or branch, according to the application and discovered fitness of the applicant shall be, signed by a majority of the commissioners or by its chairman, as the majority of the board may direct, requiring of each applicant, before the delivery to him of the license or branch, to swear and subscribe the following oath, to be administered by the Chairman of the South Carolina Commissioners of Pilotage for the respective area:
"I, A B, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will well and faithfully, according to the best of my skill and knowledge, execute and discharge the business and duty of a licensed pilot (or apprentice, as the case may be) for the bar and harbor of routes within the area as the case may be; that I will, at all times, wind, weather, and health permitting, use my best endeavors to repair on board of all ships and vessels that I shall see and conceive to be bound for, coming into, or going out of the port or harbor of Charleston or Georgetown as the case may be, unless I am well assured that some other licensed pilot is then on board any such ship or vessel; and I do further swear (or affirm) that I will from time to time, and at all times, make the best dispatch in my power to convey safely over the routes within the area as the case may be, every vessel committed to my care in coming in or going out of the same; that I will, from time to time, and at all times, truly observe, follow and fulfill, to the best of my skill, ability, and knowledge, all orders and directions as I shall or may receive from the Commissioners of Pilotage relative to all matters and things that may appertain to the duty of a pilot. So help me God."
Any pilot previously licensed by the South Carolina Commissioners of Pilotage at Port Royal shall retain this licensure over the specific routes for which that pilot was licensed, subject to the regulations promulgated by the commissioners for that port.
S.C. Code § 54-15-110