Section 50-9-750 - Special authorization for hunting and fishing(A) The Director of the Department of Natural Resources may issue special authorization for hunting and fishing to any person not more than twenty-one years of age who has been diagnosed with a terminal or life threatening illness or injury. All licenses, tags, and fees specified in this chapter are waived for a person issued special authorization pursuant to this section. The director may impose any terms and conditions he deems necessary to implement the special authorization. This may include allowing members of family, chaperones and others to assist with the hunt.(B) The director may prepare an application to be used by persons requesting special authorization and may require signed documentation from a licensed physician.(C) The person seeking special authorization must be sponsored by a nonprofit charitable organization that has within its mission to provide opportunities and experiences to persons with life threatening illnesses or injuries.(D) The special authorization is valid for a time period designated by the director.Added by 2017 S.C. Acts, Act No. 12 (HB 3517), s 1, eff. 4/24/2017.