It shall be unlawful for any person to use dynamite, gun powder, lime or any other explosive in or about any of the streams or waters in this State to take or secure fish, to cause or to procure the same to be done, to aid, assist or abet anyone in so doing or to have in his possession dynamite or any other explosive or explosive device in any paddling boat, sailboat, motorboat, raft or barge usually used for fresh-water fishing in any of the rivers, lakes, streams or waters within this State. Any person using explosives for the taking of fish or having in his possession explosives in a paddling boat, motorboat, sailboat, raft or barge commonly used for fresh-water fishing in any of the rivers, lakes, streams or waters within this State shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon his conviction, shall be sentenced to serve a term at hard labor on the chain gang or in the Penitentiary or to pay a fine as follows, to wit: For the first offense a period of not more than three months or a fine of not more than five hundred dollars; for the second offense a period of one year or a fine of one thousand dollars; and for the third offense a period of two years or a fine of two thousand five hundred dollars.
S.C. Code § 50-13-1440