- Section 50-13-610 - Application of article
- Section 50-13-615 - Nongame fishing devices and methods which may be used for taking nongame fish in freshwaters
- Section 50-13-620 - Floating markers for certain fishing devices; tags; penalty
- Section 50-13-625 - Taking nongame fish with lawful devices
- Section 50-13-630 - Fishing devices prohibited from being used, placed, set, or fished constituting hazard to boating or public safety
- Section 50-13-635 - Permissible fishing devices and methods for recreational fisherman of nongame fish
- Section 50-13-640 - Possession of blue catfish
- Section 50-13-645 - Taking limits of eels for recreational fisherman
- Section 50-13-647
- Section 50-13-650 - Commercial trotlines
- Section 50-13-655 - Set hooks placement and removal
- Section 50-13-660 - Jug fishing devices
- Section 50-13-665 - Bait which may be used with trotlines, set hooks, and jugs; penalties
- Section 50-13-670 - Possession of game fish while possessing or using nongame devices prohibited
- Section 50-13-675 - Nongame fishing devices or gear permitted in certain bodies of freshwater
- Section 50-13-680 - Inspection; reports of sales volume; seizure
- Section 50-13-685 - Penalties for violation of article; suspension of license, tags, or permits
- Section 50-13-690 - Seizure and sale of fish or fishing devices; confiscation and sale of items of persons charged with unlawful use or possession of gill net or hoop net; suspension of licenses
- Section 50-13-695 - Unlawful use of nongame fishing devices owned and tagged by another person; penalties for stealing or tampering with nongame fishing device
- Section 50-13-730 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-13-980 to 50-13-1020 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-13-1110 to 50-13-1126 - Omitted
- Section 50-13-1130, 50-13-1135 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-13-1145 - Omitted
- Section 50-13-1150 to 50-13-1160 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-13-1165 to 50-13-1199 - Omitted