Article 3 - BIG GAME
- Section 50-11-300 - Species constituting big game
- Section 50-11-310 - Open season for antlered deer
- Section 50-11-315 - Bag limit for antlered deer taken with individual antlered deer tags; bag limit for deer taken on property with a Deer Quota Program; penalties
- Section 50-11-320 - Issuance of tags for hunting and taking deer; penalties
- Section 50-11-335 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-11-340 - Penalty for hunting deer during closed season
- Section 50-11-350 - Illegally taking deer; penalty
- Section 50-11-355 - Hunting deer near residences with firearm; penalties
- Section 50-11-356 - Discharging weapon near poultry layer or broiler house prohibited; penalties
- Section 50-11-360 - Taking or attempting to take elk; penalty
- Section 50-11-365 - Wearing of international orange while on Wildlife Management Area lands
- Section 50-11-380 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-11-390 - Departmental authority over game zones
- Section 50-11-400 - Unlawful to possess deer with head detached when in transit from woods, swamps, fields, or roads; penalties
- Section 50-11-410 - Antlerless deer defined; unlawful to hunt, kill, take, or possess antlerless deer; exceptions; penalties
- Section 50-11-420 - Penalty for possession of recently killed venison or fresh deerskin during closed season
- Section 50-11-430 - Bear hunting; unlawful acts; penalties
- Section 50-11-435 - Weight restriction on bear taken; penalties
- Section 50-11-440 - Black bears; feeding or enticing with food; penalty
- Section 50-11-450 - Unprocessed bait authorized in Game Zone 4
- Section 50-11-500 - [Effective Until 5/11/2028] Provisions applicable to wild turkey
- Section 50-11-500 - [Effective 5/11/2028] Provisions applicable to wild turkey
- Section 50-11-510 - Prohibition against baiting wild turkeys; definitions
- Section 50-11-515 - Use of wild turkey feathers in art
- Section 50-11-520 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-11-525 - Authority to promulgate regulations
- Section 50-11-530 - Authority to promulgate emergency regulations relating to harvest of wild turkeys in game zones
- Section 50-11-540 - Penalties for violating rules applicable to wild turkey hunting; forfeiture of hunting and fishing privileges
- Section 50-11-544 - Wild turkey tags
- Section 50-11-546 - Electronic harvest reporting system
- Section 50-11-550 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-11-565 - Archery equipment defined
- Section 50-11-580 - [Effective Until 5/11/2028] Season for hunting and taking male wild turkey; bag limits; taking female wild turkey; annual report
- Section 50-11-580 - [Effective 5/11/2028] Season for hunting and taking male wild turkey; bag limits; taking female wild turkey; annual report
- Section 50-11-590 - [Effective Until 5/11/2028] Youth Turkey Hunting Weekend
- Section 50-11-590 - [Effective 5/11/2028] Youth Turkey Hunting Weekend
- Section 50-11-600 - Falconry; unlawful acts; penalties; regulations