Section 50-1-280 - Nongame Wildlife and Natural Areas Fund(A) The State Treasurer shall credit the total amount transferred by the South Carolina Department of Revenue pursuant to Section 12-6-5060 to the Nongame Wildlife and Natural Areas Fund established in this section.(B) There is established a special fund to be known as the "Nongame Wildlife and Natural Areas Fund" consisting of all monies transferred to it under this section, donations to the Nongame and Endangered Species or Heritage Trust Programs of the department, and all interest earned in the fund.(C) All balances in the Nongame Wildlife and Natural Areas Fund must be carried forward each year so that no part of the fund reverts to the general fund of the State.(D) The department may expend monies held in the Nongame Wildlife and Natural Areas Fund in furtherance of its Nongame and Endangered Species Programs, Heritage Trust Programs, and for related educational projects and programs.(E) Revenues produced pursuant to Section 12-6-5060 are supplemental and are in no way intended to take the place of funding that would otherwise be appropriated for these purposes.