S.C. Code § 46-17-80
The Commission shall publish notice of any hearing before considering and acting upon any proposal for a period of not less than five days in a newspaper of general circulation in Columbia, Greenville, and Charleston and such other newspapers as the Commission may prescribe, and shall post notice of such hearing on a public bulletin board to be maintained for such purpose in the Department. No public hearing shall be held prior to five days after the last day of such period of publication. The notice shall set forth the date, time, and place of the hearing, the agricultural commodity and the area covered by the proposal, a concise statement of the proposal; a concise statement of each additional subject upon which the hearing examiner will hear evidence and make a determination; the purposes for which money, if any, is sought to be raised including the amount necessary for the implementation of the proposed marketing order or amendments; where copies of the proposal may be obtained; and any other information which is deemed necessary. On the day preceding the first day on which such notice is published, the Commission shall also mail a copy of the notice to all producers directly affected by such proposal whose addresses are on file in the Department.
S.C. Code § 46-17-80