Any moneys collected by the Commission and the commodity board pursuant to any marketing agreement or order during any season or year may be refunded on a pro rata basis at the close of such season or year or at the close of such longer period as the commodity board shall recommend and which the Commission shall determine to be reasonable to all persons from whom such moneys were collected or such moneys may be carried over and used in the next succeeding season, year, or period whenever the Commission and the commodity board find that it is advisable. Upon the termination of any marketing agreement or order all moneys remaining, and not required to defray the expenses or repay the obligations incurred by such agreement or order, shall be returned by the Commission on a pro rata basis to all persons from whom such moneys were collected. However, if the Commission finds, and upon approval in writing of a majority of the members of the commodity board, that the amounts so returnable are so small as to make impractical the computation of such pro rata refund the Commission may use such moneys to defray expenses incurred by it in the administration or enforcement of any subsequent marketing agreement or order for such commodity. Thereafter, if there are any such moneys remaining which have not been used by the Commission as hereinabove provided, it shall be withdrawn from the approved depository and paid into the State Treasury as unclaimed trust moneys. No refunds may be paid for the cotton commodity.
S.C. Code § 46-17-350