Section 46-13-40 - Registration of pesticides and devices(A) Every pesticide or device which is distributed within this State or delivered for transportation or transported in intrastate commerce or between points within this State through a point outside this State must be registered subject to this chapter. Sections 46-13-170 and 46-13-200 provide enforcement procedures. The registration must be renewed annually before September first. (1) Products which have the same formula and are manufactured by the same person, the labeling of which contains the same claims and the labels of which bear a designation identifying the product as the same pesticide, may be registered as a single pesticide. Additional names and labels must be added by supplemental statements during the current period of registration. The foregoing applies if the manufacturer is also the distributor. Products manufactured by one person for distribution by another and labeled as the distributor's products must be treated as separate products from those marketed as the manufacturer's products.(2) A change in the labeling or formulas of a pesticide may be made within the current period of registration without requiring a registration of the product. Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, registration is not required for a pesticide shipped from one plant within this State to another plant within this State operated by the same person.(3) Registration is not required if the pesticide is distributed under the provisions of an experimental use permit issued under Section 46-13-30(E) or an experimental use permit issued by the Environmental Protection Agency.(B) The applicant for registration shall file a statement with the director which must include: (1) the name and address of the applicant and the name and address of the person whose name will appear on the label, if other than the applicant's;(2) the name of the pesticide;(3) a complete copy or facsimile of the labeling accompanying the pesticide and a statement of all claims to be made for it, including the directions for use;(4) the use classification as provided in the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act when required by regulations under that act.(C) The director, when he considers it necessary, may require the submission of the complete formula of a pesticide including the active and inert ingredients.(D) The director may require a full description of the tests made and the results upon which the claims are based on a pesticide not registered federally or on a pesticide on which restrictions are being considered. For a renewal of registration, a statement is required only with respect to information which is different from that furnished when the pesticide was registered or last reregistered.(E) The director may prescribe other necessary information by regulation.(F) The applicant desiring to register a pesticide shall pay an annual registration fee in accordance with the provisions of Section 46-13-45. Registrations expire on August thirty-first each year.(G) Registration approved by the director and in effect on the thirty-first day of August for which a renewal application has been made and the proper fee paid continues in effect until the director notifies the applicant that the registration has been renewed or otherwise denied in accord with this section. Forms for reregistration must be mailed to registrants at least thirty days before the due date.(H) If the renewal of a pesticide registration is not filed before September first of any one year, an additional fee of twenty-five dollars for each label must be assessed and added to the original fee and paid by the applicant before the registration renewal for that pesticide may be issued. The payment of the additional fee is not a bar to prosecution for doing business without proper registry.(I) If it appears to the director that the composition of the pesticide is such as to warrant the proposed claims for it and if the pesticide and its labeling and other material required to be submitted comply with the requirements of this chapter and if approved and registered by the Environmental Protection Agency under Public Law 92-516, the product must be registered.(J) The director shall publish an annual report of the results of analyses based on official samples as compared with the analyses guaranteed and information concerning the distribution of pesticides. Individual distribution information is not a public record.(K)(1) In submitting data required by this chapter, the applicant may:(a) clearly mark portions which in his opinion are trade secrets or commercial or financial information;(b) submit the marked material separately from other material required to be submitted under this chapter.(2) Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, the director may not make public information which in his judgment contains or relates to trade secrets or commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential, except when necessary to carry out this chapter, information relating to formulas of products acquired by authorization of this chapter may be revealed to a state or federal agency consulted.(3) If the director proposes to release for inspection information which the applicant or registrant believes to be protected from disclosure under item (2), he shall notify the applicant or registrant, in writing, by certified mail. The director may not make the data available for inspection until thirty days after receipt of the notice by the applicant or registrant. During this period the applicant or registrant may institute an action in appropriate court for a declaratory judgment as to whether the information is subject to protection under item (2).1996 Act No. 325, Section 2, eff upon approval (became law without the Governor's signature on May 21, 1996); 1992 Act No. 467, Section 1, eff 7/1/1992; 1979 Act No. 180 Section 4; 1975 (59) 284.