Section 44-93-50 - Powers of commissionerThe director, upon receipt of information that an aspect of infectious waste management, within a publicly or privately-owned property, may present an imminent or substantial hazard to the health of persons or to the environment, may take such action as he determines necessary to protect the health of persons or the environment. The action the director may take may include, but is not limited to:
(1) entering the premises at any time where the infectious waste is located in order to assess what actions may be necessary;(2) issuing or modifying an order directing the person responsible for the waste to take the steps necessary to prevent the act or eliminate the practice which constitutes the hazard;(3) commencing an action enjoining the acts or practices. Upon a showing by the department that a person has engaged in the acts or practices, a permanent or temporary injunction, restraining order, or other order may be granted;(4) inspecting and obtaining samples from a person of any wastes, including samples from a vehicle in which wastes are being transported, as well as samples of a container or label. If available, upon request, the department shall provide a sample of equal volume or weight to the owner, operator, or agent in charge of the waste. The department also shall provide the owner, operator, or agent in charge with a copy of the results of an analysis of the samples once the results have been evaluated properly by the department to determine their validity.1993 Act No. 181, Section 1149; 1989 Act No. 134, Section 1.