Unless a different meaning is required by the context:
(1) "Acknowledgment of Dental Screening" means a document designed to serve as official confirmation that a child has had a dental screening.(2) "Authorized practitioner" means dentists, hygienists, certified dental assistants, physicians, and nurses, and anyone who has qualified under the department's training module.(3) "Community oral health coordinator" means someone located in the county of need that will provide support to county health departments and school districts to strengthen the capacity to respond to the oral health needs of school children. They will assist in facilitating the removal of barriers to dental care, partnership development or enhancement, building or enhancing of dental safety net systems, oral health training and education, and strategic planning for accessing additional resources.(4) "County of need" means any county in this State that is considered to be a dentally underserved area based on the most recent Oral Health Needs Assessment or any other data deemed appropriate by the department.(5) "Department" means the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.(6) "School" means any public school operating within the county, as defined by Section 59-1-120.(7) "Screening" means a visual scan of the oral cavity and facial structures performed consistent with national standards as recognized and approved by the department.
S.C. Code § 44-8-20
Added by 2010 S.C. Acts, Act No. 235 (SB 286), s 1, eff. 7/1/2010.