S.C. Code § 44-52-20
Any person who is sixteen years or older, appears to be and believes himself to be chemically dependent, may make written application for voluntary admission to a treatment facility. Application may be made on behalf of any person under sixteen years of age by the parent or legal guardian. Upon receipt of the application, the head of the treatment facility may receive the patient for observation and diagnosis. If evidence of chemical dependency is found, the patient may be given care and treatment at the facility. An individualized treatment plan must be developed for the person as soon as possible after admittance.
Any person voluntarily admitted to a treatment facility must be given notice of his rights under this chapter at the time of his admission. A voluntary patient must be informed that, upon a written request for release, the head of the treatment facility may initiate judicial proceedings for involuntary commitment.
S.C. Code § 44-52-20