Section 44-22-150 - Restraint; seclusion; physical coercion(A) No patient residing in a mental health or alcohol and drug abuse facility may be subjected to mechanical restraint, seclusion, or a form of physical coercion or restraint unless the action is authorized in writing by the attending or on-call physician as being required by the medical needs of the patient and unless the use of the restraint is a last resort in treatment.(B) Each use of a restraint or seclusion and justification for it, including a reasonably specific description of the actions by the patient that warranted restraint or seclusion, must be entered into the clinical record of the patient. These authorizations are not valid for more than twenty-four hours during which the patient's condition must be charted at fifteen-minute intervals. If the orders are extended beyond the twenty-four hours, the extension must have written authorization and justification by the attending physician and then only after he has interviewed and evaluated the patient on an individual basis. Within twenty-four hours a copy of the authorization and justification must be forwarded to the facility supervisor for review. Patients under mechanical restraint must have the restraints removed at least every two hours for motion and exercise. Mechanical restraint must be employed to lessen the possibility of physical injury and to ensure the least possible discomfort. In an emergency such as the occurrence of, or serious threat of, extreme violence, injury to others, personal injury, or attempted suicide, if the director of the facility or the attending physician is not available, designated staff may authorize, in writing, mechanical restraint, seclusion, or physical restraint as necessary. The use must be reported immediately to the director or attending physician who shall authorize its continuance or cessation and shall make a written record of the reasons for the use and of his review. The record and review must be entered into the patient's record. The facility must have written policies and procedures governing the use of mechanical restraints, seclusion, and physical restraints and clearly delineate, in descending order, the personnel who may authorize the use of restraints in emergency situations. The authorization must be posted on each ward.(C) "Restraint" shall not include medical protective devices used as a regular part of medical, diagnostic, or surgical procedures, used to posturally support a patient, or used to obtain or maintain normative bodily functioning.2000 Act No. 253, Section 9; 1992 Act No. 279, Section 7; 1991 Act No. 127, Section 1.