S.C. Code § 44-1-100
All sheriffs and constables in the several counties of this State and police officers and health officers of cities and towns must aid and assist the Director of the Department of Health and Environmental Control and must carry out and obey his orders, or those of the Department of Health and Environmental Control, to enforce and carry out any and all restrictive measures and quarantine regulations that may be prescribed. During a state of public health emergency, as defined in Section 44-4-130, the director may request assistance in enforcing orders issued pursuant to this chapter and pursuant to Chapter 4, Title 44, from the public safety authority, as defined in Section 44-4-130, other state law enforcement authorities, and local law enforcement. The public safety authority may request assistance from the South Carolina National Guard in enforcing orders made pursuant to this chapter or pursuant to Chapter 4, Title 44.
S.C. Code § 44-1-100