- Section 43-35-5 - Short title
- Section 43-35-10 - Definitions
- Section 43-35-13 - Nonmedical remedial treatment by spiritual means is not abuse or neglect of vulnerable adult
- Section 43-35-15 - Vulnerable Adults Investigations Unit; Long Term Care Ombudsman Program; Adult Protective Services Program; responsibilities; referral of reports
- Section 43-35-20 - Additional powers of investigative entities
- Section 43-35-25 - Persons required to report abuse, neglect, or exploitation of adult; reporting methods
- Section 43-35-30 - Photographing of visible trauma on abused adult
- Section 43-35-35 - Reporting deaths where abuse or neglect suspected
- Section 43-35-40 - Responsibilities when a report is received; initiation of investigation; reports to local law enforcement or Vulnerable Adults Investigations Unit
- Section 43-35-45 - Warrant from family court to permit investigation of report; order for protective services; appointment of guardian and attorney; evaluation; hearing; review; semiannual reevaluation; payment for services
- Section 43-35-50 - Abrogation of privilege for certain communications
- Section 43-35-55 - Protective custody by law enforcement officer; procedure; notification of protective services program; subsequent proceedings
- Section 43-35-60 - Sharing of report information by investigative entities; public confidentiality
- Section 43-35-65 - Notices to be displayed at facilities
- Section 43-35-70 - Reports to occupational licensing boards
- Section 43-35-75 - Immunity of person making report or participating in investigation in good faith
- Section 43-35-80 - Action by Attorney General against person or facility for failure to exercise reasonable care; fine
- Section 43-35-85 - Penalties
- Section 43-35-87 - Financial exploitation; financial institution authority to decline transaction requests
- Section 43-35-90 - Article not to affect authority of agencies