The authority has the rights and powers of a body politic and corporate and body corporate of this State, including without limitation all the rights and powers necessary or convenient to manage the business and affairs of the authority and to take action it considers advisable, necessary, or convenient in carrying out its powers, including, but not limited to, the following rights and powers:
(A) Adopt bylaws, procedures, and regulations for the directors, officers, and employees and for the implementation and operation of the programs authorized by this act.(B) Adopt and use a seal.(C) Sue and be sued in its own name.(D) Enter into such contracts, agreements, and instruments and make such offers to contract with such persons, partnerships, firms, corporations, agencies, or entities, whether public or private, considered desirable in furtherance of its purposes. With respect to any contract or agreement where the liability of the authority is limited to program funds, the authority may require public notice or bidding.(E) Notwithstanding any provision of law or regulation to the contrary, and in accordance with its own procurement procedures and regulations as approved by the State Fiscal Accountability Authority, which must, at a minimum, incorporate the provisions of Sections 11-35-5210 through 11-35-5270, inclusive, acquire, purchase, hold, use, improve, manage, lease, mortgage, pledge, sell, transfer, and dispose of any property, real, personal, or mixed, or any interest in any property, or revenues of the authority, including as security for notes, bonds, evidences of indebtedness, or other obligations of the authority. Except for the provisions of Sections 11-35-5210 through 11-35-5270, inclusive, in exercising the powers authorized in this chapter the authority is exempt from Title 11, Chapter 35. The authority has no power to pledge the credit and the taxing power of the State or any of its political subdivisions.(F) Accept appropriations, gifts, grants, loans, or other aid from persons, partnerships, firms, corporations, agencies, or entities, whether public or private.(G) Apply for and hold patents and collect royalties under such terms and conditions as the authority considers appropriate.(H) Incur debt, including but not limited to the issuance of bonds, for any authorized purpose of the authority under the terms and conditions specified in this act.(J) Make commitments, guarantees, grants, or loans utilizing any of its program funds to or on behalf of persons, partnerships, firms, corporations, agencies, or entities, whether public or private, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and under terms as are not inconsistent with any existing obligation, including any obligation imposed as a condition of the receipt of any such program funds.(K) Create and establish funds, including reserve funds, and accounts as necessary in connection with the issuance of bonds or for any of its authorized purposes.(L) Use program funds to purchase or provide for insurance as additional security for any bonds issued by the authority.(M) Initiate counseling and management programs for business enterprises and provide business enterprises with technical assistance, advice, and information respecting development opportunities and programs and, in conjunction therewith, collect, maintain, and disseminate data and information.(N) Employ and dismiss, at the will and pleasure of the authority, officers, agents, employees, consultants, and other providers of services as the authority considers necessary and appropriate and to fix and to pay their compensation. Employees of the authority or an entity established pursuant to Section 41-43-240 are not considered state employees except for eligibility for participation in the South Carolina Retirement System and the State Health Insurance Group Plans and pursuant to Chapter 78 of Title 15. The provisions of Article 5, Chapter 17 of Title 8, and Chapter 35 of Title 11 do not apply to the authority. The authority is responsible for complying with other state and federal laws covering employers. The authority may contract with the Division of Human Resource Management of the Department of Administration to establish a comprehensive human resource management program.(O) Fix, alter, charge, and collect reasonable tolls, fees, rents, charges, and assessments for the use of the facilities of, or for the services rendered by, the authority the rates to be at least sufficient to provide for payment of all expenses of the authority.(P) Participate in and cooperate with any agency or instrumentality of the United States and with any agency or political subdivision of this State in the administration of any of the programs authorized by this act.In exercising its powers, the authority shall operate in an economical and prudent manner and any powers granted by this act may be exercised by the adoption of a resolution at any regular or special meeting. A copy of any resolution certified by the chairman, vice-chairman, or secretary is conclusive evidence of the exercise of powers in accordance with this act.
1992 Act No. 404, Section 3, eff 7/1/1992; 1983 Act No. 145 Section 10.