- Section 40-55-20 - State Board of Examiners in Psychology
- Section 40-55-30 - Appointment of members of board; terms; vacancies
- Section 40-55-40 - Powers and duties of board
- Section 40-55-50 - Acts constituting practice as psychologist
- Section 40-55-55 - Licensure requirement
- Section 40-55-60 - Code of ethics; limits of psychological practice; list of licensed psychologists
- Section 40-55-70 - Use of titles incorporating word "psychologist," or similar words; activities of unlicensed persons not prohibited
- Section 40-55-80 - Application for license; qualifications of applicants
- Section 40-55-85 - Board to promulgate regulations for continuing education requirements
- Section 40-55-90 - Exemptions
- Section 40-55-100 - Examinations
- Section 40-55-110 - Waiver of examination
- Section 40-55-120 - Statement of patient rights and procedures for complaints
- Section 40-55-130 - Complaint to board against licensed psychologist; investigation; accusation; notice; hearing; confidentiality of proceedings; privileged communications
- Section 40-55-140 - Immunity of board members, officers and employees for official acts; administration of oaths; subpoena power; final orders
- Section 40-55-150 - Revocation or suspension of license or other disciplinary action; grounds
- Section 40-55-160 - Disciplinary action by board; appeal
- Section 40-55-170 - Penalties; injunctions
- Section 40-55-180 - Areas of specialization
- Section 40-55-190 - Health insurer not required to provide or pay for services