- Section 40-47-5 - Application of Chapter 1; conflict with other articles
- Section 40-47-10 - State Board of Medical Examiners; appointment; terms and vacancies; powers and duties
- Section 40-47-11 - Medical Disciplinary Commission; qualifications of members; hearings; service as expert witnesses
- Section 40-47-20 - Definitions
- Section 40-47-25 - Rights and privileges of licensees
- Section 40-47-30 - Licensure requirement; excepted activities; physician licensed in another state
- Section 40-47-31 - Limited and temporary licenses
- Section 40-47-32 - Permanent licenses; requirements; examinations; post-graduate medical residency training requirements; fee
- Section 40-47-33 - Academic license; qualifications; responsibility of dean for compliance with practice limitations
- Section 40-47-34 - Special volunteer licenses; waiver of fees; restrictions; qualifications
- Section 40-47-35 - Licensure as expert medical witness; waiver of fee
- Section 40-47-36 - Criminal history background checks; costs; confidentiality of information obtained
- Section 40-47-37 - Practice of telemedicine, requirements
- Section 40-47-38 - Maintenance of Certification not required for licensure, reimbursement, employments, or admitting privileges
- Section 40-47-40 - Continuing professional education
- Section 40-47-41 - License renewal; notification of change of address or adverse disciplinary action in another jurisdiction
- Section 40-47-42 - Reactivation of inactive license
- Section 40-47-43 - Renewal of expired license
- Section 40-47-44 - Application for reinstatement of license
- Section 40-47-45 - Appeal; presumption of service of notice of board action; review of motions for continuance and other interlocutory relief
- Section 40-47-50 - Administrative support; fees to cover costs of operation of board; maintenance of records
- Section 40-47-70 - Code of ethics
- Section 40-47-80 - Investigation of complaints
- Section 40-47-90 - Administering oaths
- Section 40-47-100 - Restraining orders
- Section 40-47-110 - Misconduct constituting grounds for disciplinary action; temporary suspensions; review of final actions; conduct subverting security or integrity of medical licensing examination process
- Section 40-47-111 - Disciplinary action in another state
- Section 40-47-112 - Attending patient while under the influence of alcohol or drugs; penalty; suspension and disqualification from practice
- Section 40-47-113 - Establishment of physician-patient relationship as prerequisite to prescribing drugs; unprofessional conduct
- Section 40-47-114 - Requiring professional competency, mental, or physical examination; request for review; obtaining records; confidentiality
- Section 40-47-115 - Jurisdiction of the board
- Section 40-47-116 - Initial complaint; informal conference; approval of agreement
- Section 40-47-117 - Formal complaint; service; answer; formal hearing by panel; filing of report with board; board action; notice
- Section 40-47-118 - Discovery; exchange of information and evidence; depositions; prehearing motions
- Section 40-47-119 - Information to be exchanged before hearing; admissibility; identification of relevant portions of information
- Section 40-47-120 - Sanctions; relinquishment of authorization to practice; issuance and notice of final orders
- Section 40-47-130 - Grounds for denial of licensure
- Section 40-47-140 - Denial of license based on prior criminal record
- Section 40-47-150 - Surrender of license; public disclosure
- Section 40-47-160 - Appeal
- Section 40-47-170 - Costs
- Section 40-47-180 - Collection of fines and costs
- Section 40-47-190 - Disclosure of information relating to proceedings; public access; information relating to patients and witnesses
- Section 40-47-195 - Supervising physicians; scope of practice guidelines
- Section 40-47-196 - Delegation of tasks
- Section 40-47-197 - Supervision of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
- Section 40-47-200 - Practice without license or with license obtained by submitting false information; penalty
- Section 40-47-210 - Civil action for injunctive relief against person or entity violating chapter; fines
- Section 40-47-220 - Severability