Section 40-36-240 - Notarized application form; fee; exam scores; out-of-state applicant requirements; time period for completion of process(A) An applicant for licensure must submit a completed notarized application form, the required fee in the form of a check or money order, and an acceptable legal document indicating any name changes, if applicable.(B) An applicant applying for licensure by examination must comply with subsection (A) and must have reported or sent directly to the board:(1) examination scores from a board-approved testing service; or(2) verification of current certification status from NBCOT or other board-approved certification program if it has been six months or longer since the applicant passed the NBCOT or other board-approved certification program exam.(C) An applicant who is a graduate of an occupational therapy educational program approved by ACOTE or other AOTA endorsed accrediting body for occupational therapy and who has applied for the next scheduled board-approved certification examination following graduation must comply with subsections (A) and (B) and must have sent directly to the board confirmation of examination registration and eligibility to examine from NBCOT or other board-approved certification program.(D) An applicant licensed in another state applying for license by endorsement must comply with subsection (A) and must have sent directly to the board:(1) verification of all current permanent licenses in other states from each state;(2) verification of current certification status from NBCOT or other board-approved certification program.(E) If the requirements of this section have not been completed within one year, the application and credentials must be brought up to date and resubmitted with payment of the required fee.(F) An occupational therapist and an occupational therapy assistant shall pass a written examination approved by the board for license to practice in this State except as otherwise provided for in this chapter. The examination must be administered under the auspices of a recognized professional testing service approved by the board. The testing service shall recommend a passing score on the examination for the board's approval. The board shall adopt a passing score for each administration of the examination. An examinee who fails to pass may retake the examination at the next examination date upon making new application for examination and payment of the examination fee.1998 Act No. 356, Section 1.