S.C. Code § 4-3-480
Spartanburg County is bounded as follows: on the north by the North Carolina line; on the west by Greenville County from which it is divided by a line commencing on the North Carolina line at a stone marked "S.C. 1815" on one side and "N.C. Sept.15" on the other side at N 1,225,788.54 and E 1,636,650.35 [North American Datum 1983-86 (NAD 83-86)]; thence following a straight line southsouthwestward to a point at N 1,193,615.00 and E 1,635,730.00 (NAD 83-86); thence following a straight line southsouthwestward to a point at N 1,155,409.00 and E 1,634,410.00 (NAD 83-86); thence following a straight line southsouthwestward to a point at N 1,133,159.00 and E 1,633,701.00 (NAD 83-86) at the north end of North Line Street at its approximate intersection with Arlington Avenue in the City of Greer; thence following a straight line southward approximately along the centerline of North Line Street to a point N 1,131,240.00 and E 1,633,595.00 (NAD 83-86) where North Line Street becomes South Line Street in the City of Greer; thence following a straight line southward approximately along the centerline of South Line Street to a point at N 1,128,573.00 and E 1,633,500.00 (NAD 83-86) where the centerline of South Line Street is approximately tangent to the centerline of New Woodruff Road in the City of Greer; thence following a straight line southsouthwestward to a point at N 1,102,217.00 and E 1,632,108.00 (NAD 83-86) which is a point where the old bridge crossed the Enoree River; thence down the Enoree River to a point about one and three-fourths miles below Anderson's Bridge (the corner of Greenville and Laurens Counties); on the southwest by the Enoree River, down to a dead Spanish oak below Head's Ford, and a little above the mouth of a small creek which divides it from Laurens County; on the southeast by Union County, from which it is divided by the following lines: beginning at the dead Spanish oak on the north side of the Enoree River, and running N. 12° E.3 miles and 26 chains; thence N. 17° E.2 miles and 28 chains; thence N. 6.5° E.11 miles and 15 chains, crossing Tyger River to Fair Forest Creek; thence N. 33° 45' E.6 miles and 37 chains to Pacolet River, a little below Gist's Mill; thence along the western boundary of Cherokee County to the North Carolina state line.
S.C. Code § 4-3-480