S.C. Code § 4-3-410
Newberry County is bounded as follows: on the northwest by Laurens County from which it is separated by line beginning at Island Ford on Saluda River and running thence along the old road to O'Dell's Ford on Enoree River; on the north by a line commencing at O'Dell's Ford on Enoree River and running thence down Enoree River to Anderson's Ford; thence along the road to Hill's Ferry on Tyger River; thence down the same to the mouth; thence down Broad River to a point on the Fairfield-Lexington County line about one fourth of a mile below Peak, and running thence S. 40° W. to a point on the west bank of Broad River; thence S. 40° W. 1956 feet to an oak; thence S. 46° 40' W. 2410 feet to a stone in the public road; thence S. 41° W. 1143 feet to a stake; thence S. 32° 30' W. 95.68 feet to a stake on a branch; thence down the run of the branch to a stake; thence S. 55° W. 575 feet to a stake; thence N. 86° 30' W. 3782 feet to a pine; thence S. 26° 30' W. 3650 feet to a stake; thence S. 50° 30' W. 4940 feet to a point on the Columbia, Newberry and Laurens Railroad; thence S. 73° 30' W. 2613 feet to a maple in a branch; thence S. 68° 30' W. 2180 feet to a stake near a negro church; thence N. 77° 30' W. 5577 feet to a stake, just west of the public road near Little Mountain; thence S. 28° W. 2850 feet to Camping Creek near the mouth of Stevens' Creek; thence up the run of Camping Creek to the old Newberry-Lexington County line; thence with the old Lexington-Newberry County line to the Saluda River; and on the southwest by the Saluda River, which separates it from Saluda and Greenwood Counties. To the above-described area of Newberry County is to be added all that territory transferred from Lexington County by act approved May 12 1953, to wit: all of that certain territory or portion of Lexington County embraced within the following lines and boundaries, to wit: beginning at a point of the intersection of Lexington County-Saluda County-Newberry County lines at Saluda River; thence N. 22° 30' E. 17710 feet to Camping Creek; thence in a general southeastern direction along Camping Creek to confluence of Saluda River; thence in a northwesterly direction along Saluda River to point of beginning, being more particularly lined and described on a plat of said territory by the Columbia Engineering Company, completed November 1 1952, said plat being filed in the office of the Secretary of State.
S.C. Code § 4-3-410