S.C. Code § 4-3-140
Clarendon County is bounded as follows: on the north and northwest by Sumter County, from which it is separated by the following lines: beginning at a corner on the east side of Santee River and running thence N. 76° E. 654 chains to a forked pine corner; thence S. 82° E. 104 chains to a pine corner; thence N. 76° 520 chains to a post on the Vance's Ferry Road; thence N. 77° E. 368 chains and 50 links to a corner on Pocotaligo River; thence N. 34° E. 134 chains and 50 links to a corner; thence N. 55° E. 650 chains and 50 links to a corner in Black River; thence N. 86.5° E. 63 chains to a post on the Salem Road; thence N. 52° E. 200 chains to a black gum corner; thence N. 55° E. 401 chains to a pine corner; thence N. 58.5° E. 135 chains to the eastern side of Dyall's Bay; thence N. 55° E. 15 chains to Mill Bay; thence N. 57.5° E. 94 chains to two sweet gums; thence N. 55° E. 46 chains and 80 links to Wood's Mill; thence by a straight southerly line to Hudson's Mill; thence following the Centennial Road in an easterly direction until it intersects the old dividing line between Clarendon and Williamsburg Counties, said line being the old district line; thence S. 63° 15' W. 98.19 chains to a point on the Cade Road; thence S. 80° 35' W. 49.15 chains to the Lynchburg Road; thence S. 46° W. 330.30 chains to a stake; thence S. 19° 17' E. 159.85 chains to a stake; thence S. 19° 2' E. 110.37 chains to a cypress on Black River where said river intersects the old district line hereinbefore mentioned; thence with the old district line in a southwesterly direction until it intersects the Santee River three fourths of a mile below Gaillard's Island; and on the south and southwest by Santee River, which separates it from Berkeley, Orangeburg and Calhoun Counties, less the following territory containing 93.50 square miles transferred to Sumter County, by act of the General Assembly, approved March 7 1921, to wit: commencing at a point on the Sumter County line and running thence south 1.42 miles to an oak at the intersection of the public road leading from Paxville to Pinewood with the road leading from Paxville to Broadway siding; thence S. 9° 30' E. 1.52 miles to the center of Curtis Mill dam; thence S. 1° 20' E. 2.36 miles to the intersection of the run of Hungary Hall Branch, with the run of Des Champs Branch; thence with the run of Des Champs Branch to the intersection of said run with the public road leading from Panola to Calvary Church; thence S. 78° 2.93 miles to intersection with the line of School District No. 1; thence S. 2° 30' W. 2.49 miles to intersection with the boundary between Big Horn Hickory Elmwood plantation or the intersection with a projection of said boundary line; then S. 39° 4,000 feet; then N. 47° W. 817 feet; then in a southwesterly direction to Santee River; then in a northwesterly direction with the Santee River to a point where the same intersects the Sumter County line; then eastwardly along the Sumter County line to the beginning point.
To above-described area of Clarendon County is to be added, however, that territory transferred from Sumter County by act approved March 11 1922, to wit: all that certain territory or portion formerly of Sumter County, embraced within the following lines and boundaries, to wit: beginning at a point on Santee River 72 feet northwest of the center of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad running from Sumter to Orangeburg, running N. 46° 50' E. for a distance of 9,521 feet parallel to railroad; thence N. 41° 2' E. for a distance of 5,658 feet to a point 72 feet west of center of railroad; thence N. 16° E. for a distance of 7,257 feet parallel to railroad; thence N. 26° 50' E. for a distance of 8,650 feet to a point 72 feet northwest of railroad; thence S. 87° E. for a distance of 6,864 feet; thence N. 12° 30' E. for a distance of 8,840 feet; thence N. 87° 30' E. for a distance of 5,920 feet; thence S. 15° 30' E. for a distance of 5,430 feet; thence S. 65° W. for a distance of 2,370 feet; thence S. 9° W. for a distance of 3,432 feet; thence N. 85° E. for a distance of 13,200 feet; thence S. 1° 20' E. for a distance of 10,479 feet to the intersection of Hungary Hall Branch and Des Champs Branch; thence up the run of Des Champs Branch in a southwesterly direction to the public road; thence S. 78° W. for a distance of 16,390 feet; thence S. 2° 30' W. for a distance of 13,200 feet; thence S. 39° W. for a distance of 4,000 feet; thence N. 47° W. for a distance of 817 feet; thence S. 42° W. for a distance of 2,248 feet; thence S. 40° W. for a distance of 2,280 feet; thence S. 37° 30' W. for a distance of 13,268 feet to a point on Santee River; thence up Santee River to the beginning point 72 feet northwest of railroad.
S.C. Code § 4-3-140