Section 39-27-10 - Enrichment of certain flourIt shall be unlawful for any person, except as hereinafter provided, to manufacture, mix, compound or sell for human consumption in this State any white flour or self-rising flour made from wheat which does not contain the vitamins and other ingredients contained in the following provisions:
(1) White flour shall contain in each pound not less than one and sixty-six one-hundredths milligrams and not more than two and five tenths milligrams of vitamin B-1 (thiamine), not less than six milligrams and not more than twenty-four milligrams of nicotinic acid (also recognized under the name of niacin) or nicotinic acid amide (also known under the name of niacin amide) and not less than six milligrams and not more than twenty-four milligrams of iron (Fe);(2) If other vitamins or minerals are added to bread or flour, they shall be added only in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare;(3) These ingredients and amounts are in accordance with the definition of enriched flour as promulgated by the Federal Security Agency (Federal Register, May 27, 1941 pp. 2574 to 2582, and December 3, 1941 pp. 6175 and 6176, postponing the effective date of riboflavin as a required ingredient in enriched flour) and the State Department of Agriculture shall change or add to the specifications for ingredients and the amounts thereof as necessary to conform to changes in the Federal definition of enriched flour; and(4) Iron shall be added only in forms which are harmless and assimilable.The substances referred to in items (1) and (2) of this section may be added in a harmless carrier which does not impair the enriched flour or enriched self-rising flour if such carrier is used only in the quantity necessary to effect an intimate and uniform admixture of such substances with the flour.
1942 (42) 1622; 1952 Code Section 32-1531; 1962 Code Section 32-1531.