Section 31-3-980 - Terms of office of commissioners(A) The commissioners of a regional housing authority appointed by the senators shall be appointed for terms of five years except that all vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired terms. The term of office of a commissioner appointed by the other commissioners when the area of operation of the authority consists of an even number of counties shall be as herein provided for a commissioner appointed by a senator, except that such term shall end at any earlier time that the area of operation of the regional housing authority shall be changed to consist of an odd number of counties. Each commissioner shall hold office until his successor has been appointed and has qualified, except as otherwise provided herein.(B) The term of the commissioner who is directly assisted by the authority shall continue as long as he remains as an assisted resident.1999 Act No. 50, Section 4; 1942 (42) 1742; 1940 (41) 1687; 1942 Code Section 5271-56; 1952 Code Section 36-208; 1962 Code Section 36-208.