S.C. Code § 30-5-190
A certified copy of a petition, with schedules omitted, commencing a proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act of the United States, of the decree of adjudication in such proceeding or of the order approving the bond of the trustees appointed in such proceeding may be filed, indexed and recorded in the office of the register of deeds or clerk of court in those counties in which the office of register of deeds has been abolished in the same manner as deeds. The register of deeds or the clerk of court in those counties in which the office of register of deeds has been abolished shall file, index under the name of the bankrupt and record such certified copies filed for record in the same manner as deeds, for which services he shall be entitled to the same fees as are provided by law for filing, indexing and recording deeds.
S.C. Code § 30-5-190
Code Commissioner's Note
1997 Act No. 34, Section 1, directed the Code Commissioner to change all references to "Register of Mesne Conveyances" to "Register of Deeds" wherever appearing in the 1976 Code of Laws.